A. Instructions Regarding Submission

B. Instructions Regarding Research and Publication

C. Instructions Regarding Authorship, Contributorship, & Conflict of Interest

D. Compliance with Editorial and Peer Review Policies

E. Directions to prepare the Blinded Manuscript

F. Article Template

Meliora: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Perspectives follow APA Manual of Style (7th Edition) for social sciences with a few adaptations. However, a strict adaptation to a single style is found impractical since it is interdisciplinary in approach. Hence, Meliora is open enough to accommodate necessary adaptations.  

Hence, those submitting articles to the journal shall make the utmost effort to comply with the  APA Style along with the SFSC adaptations mentioned below as far as possible:

  1. The block quotes shall be in single –space.
  2. Each reference under the section “References” shall be single-spaced. However, skip a space/line between references.
  3. Since, gender-neutral language is difficult to apply to writing and gender-inclusive such as “he or she,” “him or her” etc is not reader-friendly, the authors shall adopt the pronouns that match their own gender to denote a human being in general. Thus, a female author shall use the pronoun “she” and its derivatives to refer to a generic human being, and a male author shall use “he” and its derivatives. In the case of more than one author, the first authors’ gender shall be preferred.

  - The WORKSHEET that can be downloaded from Section Downloads (File No.5) is meant to help authors verify if their article complies with the APA Style requirements with SFSC revisions.

   - However, please take note that Checklist is not exhaustive of every APA Style requirement. Nor does everything mentioned in the Checklist apply to every kind of article.

   - Authors are directed to the APA Manuel (7th Edition) for comprehensive information on the writing style.

   -You may DOWNLOAD the Author: worksheet from the Downloads Section (File No.5 Authors: Worksheet) to countercheck your article.